The Cloud, Your New CFO
Gone are the days of collecting your receipts in a shoe box and turning them over to your accountant in January, biting your nails until you hear the outcome of your year. Even the smallest of businesses tends to rely on QuickBooks or a similar user friendly bookkeeping and accounting software to keep more up to date records and a handle on their finances. Although this change in recordkeeping may help the average business owner to efficiently track and pay bills, and receipt customer payments, it still doesn’t aid in a true understanding what is going on with their business and how they can help it to succeed. While keeping more up to date records will keep your accountant or tax preparer much happier than that old shoe box ever did, you are still limiting their ability to provide any real value to you and your business.
The value you need and the value that we as accountants and advisors, want to provide is in the “real time” arena. We don’t want to see what happened six or twelve months ago and just analyze it and plug the numbers into a tax return. We want to be able to see what is going on month to month, to spot trends both good and bad, and help you to create better margins, or efficiencies, in layman’s terms we want to help you earn more money!
Might seem like a complicated and costly relationship, but it doesn’t have to be. With the evolution of cloud hosted accounting software’s, with dual user accessibility, the concept of an affordable and effective part-time CFO is born. With cloud platforms we can share access to your QuickBooks file, along with other documents and spreadsheets that may be utilized to track trends and convey information back and forth. We become available anytime, regardless of physical location, able to assist and advise.
Utilizing the technology available allows for us to become true “partners” in your business. It leads to a cost effective and mutually beneficial relationship geared for success. It’s not just about making sure your bank account is reconciled and your bills are paid, it’s about keeping your company, your livelihood, healthy and profitable.